HM Configuration Software App
HM Configurator is a Microsoft Windows app used to setup and configure the Microflex HM series of HART protocol modems. HM modems can be configured to continuously poll up to 16 HART devices, acquiring variable data and saving it into modbus registers. The varaible data can then be read using modbus RTU commands. The HM Configurator software uses the HM devices serial port connected to your PC or laptop for configuration.
HM Configurator app and the HART Addressing app are included on a CD with the MicroLink-HM modem.
HM Configurator App Manual (PDF)
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Compatible with...
101-0097 MicroLink-HM+ (USB and/or RS-485, RS-232)
101-0029 MicroLink-HM (RS-232)
101-0035 MicroLink-HM (RS-485)
101-0014 InLink-HM OEM Modem
Compatible with 101-0014, 101-0029, 101-0035, 101-0097 HM devices
Enable / Disable filling modbus registers with HART variable data
Set polling addresses for 1 to 16 HART devices
Adjustable HART polling interval, 1 to 60 seconds
Configure modbus integer values for number of decimal places
Set HM device to be primary or secondary HART master
Set number of HART retries
Assign an error value for registers when a HART device is not responding
Read HART device type codes and manufacturer codes
Display HART device status information
Configure modbus port slave address, baud rate, and parity settings
Choose a modbus register map - by device or by variable type
Set modbus floating point byte order
View modbus register maps